My name is Lydia, I'm a Birth and Postnatal Doula based in Sussex. I'm here to nurture, support and care for you and your baby through pregnancy, birth and beyond. My journey as a doula started with my first son's birth in 2007. With the support of my doula Sara, my husband and midwives, I had the positive and natural birth experience I was longing for. Giving birth to my son's made me extremely proud of myself and was a life changing experience. I never felt such strength, pain, happiness, doubt, joy and relief before. My own experience of giving birth and motherhood inspired me to become a doula to support mothers and parents during their births and with mother/parenthood. I believe in the fundamental human rights of the birthing woman. A woman has the right to decide everything that happens to her body and her baby around childbirth. She has the right to be respected as the person most invested in the well-being of her unborn child.
I truly believe when woman give unconditional, continuous care to mothers and partners during pregnancy, labour and in the period after birth it can make all the difference towards a positive and fulfilling birth experience. Women in childbirth and early days of motherhood need trusted women at their side for emotional and physical support.
In my care as a doula I have met wonderful people whom I have had the blessing to share and support in their birth experience. I'm grateful to all of them letting me being part of their journey into motherhood.
I’m member of Doula UK as fully recognised doula. I have taken part in many workshops and study days to continue in widening my knowledge to support you. I speak English and German.